CBD Facilitator provides the most trustworthy spot to receive CBD education. We understand that CBD is a somewhat new product on the health market, so we are committed to supplying important information regarding the nature of CBD. There are many common questions about CBD that the general public may not know. This page is dedicated to answering those questions and calming any fears you may have about CBD. The most important tool one can have is education and knowledge. CBD Facilitator does the dirty work of finding and understanding all the relevant science, then delivering digestible articles that explain all the ins and outs of CBD.
My Dog Ate CBD Gummies: What Should I do?
Dogs get into things they shouldn’t; it’s an inevitable truth that comes with pet ownership. When pets eat CBD gummies, though, things can get complicated. If your dog eats CBD gummies meant for human consumption, contact your vet as soon as possible. Don’t induce vomiting or give your dog any
Can CBD Isolate Be Eaten? – Pros, Cons, & Recipe Suggestions
CBD isolate products, which contain only CBD, are great options for those looking to avoid THC entirely. But is eating CBD a good idea or one that will work? CBD isolate products can indeed be eaten safely and effectively. Users can consume products alone or with other foods. It’s possible
Are CBD Gummies Legal to Fly With? – TSA Guidelines 2025
CBD is a substance that’s still newly legal in the United States and many other nations, which makes traveling with it confusing and, at times, complicated. CBD gummies are technically legal to fly with on domestic US flights. However, you could have issues if traveling to other countries. Some TSA
How to Maximize the Effects of CBD Softgels
CBD softgels are a type of edible product that releases CBD into the bloodstream via digestion, but their true potential lies in thoughtful decision-making. To maximize the effects of CBD softgels, it’s best to consume foods that help CBD break down and absorb faster rather than other foods that might
What Is the Shelf Life of CBD Gummies? – Storage Guidance
CBD gummies, like other types of CBD products, can change and degrade over time. So, just how long can you expect them to last for, and what can you do to help? The shelf life of CBD gummies tends to range from one to two years, but proper storage conditions
How Much Is Pet CBD Oil? – Average Cost Per Milligram
Looking to purchase CBD for your pet, but don’t know where to start or how to navigate prices? Read on to find the right product for you. Pet CBD oil is likely to cost anywhere between $.6 and $.12 per milligram when you break down the costs. Prices vary wildly
What Is the Shelf Life of CBD Isolate? – Storage Instructions
CBD isolate products are free of other cannabinoids, including THC, which impacts how they function. But, do they last any longer than other products? The shelf life of CBD isolate is usually about two years. The type of product you use can influence this number, as can the conditions under
Are CBD Softgels Effective? – Benefits Compared to CBD Oil
As more resources and funding are poured into CBD research and development, there are seemingly endless ways to consume CBD. One of the most popular, and effective, ways to consume CBD is through softgels. Because softgels are passed through the digestive tract they have a lower bioavailability and a slower
Which form of CBD is most effective? – Maximize Your Results
With so many CBD products available to consumers, how can we know what works and what doesn’t, and how can we improve our results? Read on to learn more. CBD is most effective when consumed through highly bioavailable delivery methods, such as: Water-soluble form Inhalation Sublingual administration These methods of
What are the Benefits of CBD Isolate & Is It Right For You?
CBD isolate is well known for what it doesn’t offer or contain, namely THC. But what are some of its significant benefits? Read on to find out more. There is a myriad of benefits of CBD Isolate. CBD isolate contains no THC, so if you are concerned about frequent drug
Can I Take CBD While in the Military? – 2023 Policy Breakdown
Members of the military are among those who perhaps stand to benefit from CBD the most, but official policy may get in the way, or worse, get you into trouble. Current military policy in the U.S. prohibits the use of CBD products of any kind, even those that have no
A Comprehensive Guide to CBG – Benefits, Uses, & More
Though it’s just one letter off from CBD, CBG is distinct and hugely beneficial. Here, we’ll go through all you need to know about this fascinating chemical. CBG is very similar to CBD in many ways; the two even share a predecessor. The main benefits of CBG mirror those of
A Complete Guide to CBN – Benefits, Uses, & More
In this guide, we’ll talk all things CBN: what it is, where it comes from, whether or not it’s the same thing as CBD, and how you can take advantage of it. CBN does a lot to support and enhance CBD, but it is its own unique chemical with individual
What’s the Difference Between Human and Pet CBD Oil?
It’s easy to assume pet CBD and human CBD aren’t remotely the same; after all, they are meant for different animals. But their similarities may surprise you. The main difference between human and pet CBD oil isn’t necessarily in the formula itself, but in how much CBD is present. Because