CBD Facilitator provides the most trustworthy spot to receive CBD education. We understand that CBD is a somewhat new product on the health market, so we are committed to supplying important information regarding the nature of CBD. There are many common questions about CBD that the general public may not know. This page is dedicated to answering those questions and calming any fears you may have about CBD. The most important tool one can have is education and knowledge. CBD Facilitator does the dirty work of finding and understanding all the relevant science, then delivering digestible articles that explain all the ins and outs of CBD.
What Is the Difference Between CBD Gummies and Hemp Gummies?
If CBD gummies are made using an extract that comes from hemp plants, are regular hemp gummies the same type of product? The answer is simple, but important. The main difference between CBD gummies and hemp gummies is the amount of CBD found in each one. CBD gummies are created
Can You Buy Full-Spectrum CBD Oil on Amazon?
If any sales platform serves as an international leader, it’s certainly Amazon. But you may be surprised to hear that CBD isn’t a part of this vast marketplace. Amazon policy does not allow for the listing or sale of CBD products, including full-spectrum hemp oils. The company currently takes a
Can I Take CBD While in the Military? – 2023 Policy Breakdown
Members of the military are among those who perhaps stand to benefit from CBD the most, but official policy may get in the way, or worse, get you into trouble. Current military policy in the U.S. prohibits the use of CBD products of any kind, even those that have no
A Comprehensive Guide to CBG – Benefits, Uses, & More
Though it’s just one letter off from CBD, CBG is distinct and hugely beneficial. Here, we’ll go through all you need to know about this fascinating chemical. CBG is very similar to CBD in many ways; the two even share a predecessor. The main benefits of CBG mirror those of
A Complete Guide to CBN – Benefits, Uses, & More
In this guide, we’ll talk all things CBN: what it is, where it comes from, whether or not it’s the same thing as CBD, and how you can take advantage of it. CBN does a lot to support and enhance CBD, but it is its own unique chemical with individual
What’s the Difference Between Human and Pet CBD Oil?
It’s easy to assume pet CBD and human CBD aren’t remotely the same; after all, they are meant for different animals. But their similarities may surprise you. The main difference between human and pet CBD oil isn’t necessarily in the formula itself, but in how much CBD is present. Because
What Are Flavonoids and What Is Their Function?
Flavonoids are complex compounds that give plant life their color and contribute to taste and smell, but that’s not all these key players are capable of. Flavonoids, especially in the context of cannabis and CBD products, are incredibly important for determining the look, smell, and taste of a substance. They’re
Are CBD Treats or Oil Better For Dogs? – Pros & Cons of Each
If boosting your pet’s health and wellness with CBD is your goal, are you better off reaching for a treat, oil, or neither? The answer can be complicated. Many pet owners find that the flexibility and control of CBD oil makes it a better option for dogs, but others like
Can I Get Fired for Using Delta-8 THC?
Delta-8 THC is viewed as a loophole that makes it possible to access and use THC legally, but when it comes to its repercussions, things can get complicated. While your employer may not be able to fire you simply for believing you use delta-8 THC, they can punish or fire
Does the Color of CBD Oil Matter? – How Should CBD Oil Look
Clear, golden, brown, even black – when it comes to high-quality CBD oil, few colors options are off the table. But there are some details to be wary of. The color of CBD oil can provide some insight into how the oil was made, what it contains, and how long
How Do You Use CBD Crumble? – Step by Step Guide
CBD crumble is a powerful little product, but to fully take advantage of all that it has to offer, you’ll need to know how to use it correctly and efficiently. There are lots of ways to use CBD crumble, many of which involve vaporizing or smoking it in some way.
Is CBD Cream Good for Healing Tattoos?
Tender, swollen, and painful red skin is to be expected after a tattoo; luckily, CBD cream can offer some relief and help your skin bounce back faster. CBD’s natural properties, including its ability to lower levels of inflammation and pain, make it an ideal tool for helping tattoos recover and
How Do You Use CBG Isolate Powder?
You may be familiar with CBG as a cannabinoid but are likely less aware of CBG isolate as a product and how it can serve you, your products, and your needs. CBG isolate powder is pure enough to be very versatile; the lack of other cannabinoids or parts of the
How Long Does It Take for CBD Edibles to Kick In?
CBD edibles can produce strong, long-lasting effects, but they can take some time to begin to show. In this article, we’ll break down just why that is. It usually takes at least an hour or two for the effects of CBD edibles to kick in, but once they do, they