The benefits of CBD, to many, seem a bit too good to be true. How is it possible for such a powerful tool to continue to function well over time? Or, on a worse note, does CBD use lead to dependence?
It is safe to use CBD oil everyday, especially if you’re looking to manage health symptoms long-term. Even daily CBD oil use won’t lead to dependence or addiction, and choosing to stop using CBD oil won’t cause the uncomfortable and even dangerous withdrawal symptoms other substances can.
For those who are hesitant to incorporate CBD into a daily routine, it’s beneficial to recognize just how much CBD can do for the body and how little risk it poses in general. Making the choice to stop using CBD is just like choosing to stop taking vitamins or other supplements; you likely won’t notice a negative difference, but the benefits you’ve come to expect will disappear over time.
Why It’s Better Than the Rest
- Three Different Potencies and Five Tasty Flavors
- Full-Spectrum of Cannabinoids and Terpenes
- Every Bottle is Made to Order Ensuring Freshness
- 12 Month Shelf Life
Is it okay to take CBD oil every day?
It is absolutely safe and okay to take CBD oil every day; in fact, to maximize the potential benefits of your product, it’s actually recommended that you do so.
CBD oil is a very safe supplement and one that, with continuous use, can build up and further benefit the body over time. Taking an appropriate dose of CBD oil on a daily basis can help combat chronic pain, anxiety, and more.
Should I take CBD oil everyday?
So long as you don’t experience any adverse effects from doing so, it’s a great idea to take your CBD oil daily if you’re looking to get the most bang for your buck.
Many of the goals that CBD oil helps accomplish (less joint pain, for instance, due to lowered levels of inflammation) can be further solidified by daily use. CBD is fat-soluble, which means it continues to linger in the body even after the effects of a dose wear off.
More CBD in the body means more potential health benefits, especially for chronic conditions.
Is CBD oil habit-forming?
CBD oil is not a habit-forming substance. It’s perfectly safe to take CBD daily or (perhaps even more frequently); even heavy use won’t cause the body or mind to depend on CBD.
Of course, incorporating CBD into your daily routine may mean that it becomes an integral part of treatment. For patients and CBD users who frequently rely upon their products to manage symptoms, regular use may seem nonnegotiable.
Still, choosing to stop using CBD oil won’t cause the negative effects often associated with other substances. The worst consequence is often just the return of whichever symptoms an individual had treated with CBD in the past.
Can you get addicted to CBD oil?
No, you can’t get addicted to CBD oil, nor to any other CBD product in general – that is, so long as your CBD products come from hemp and not marijuana (and thus contain trace amounts to no THC).
Though THC and CBD are chemically very similar, they behave differently when they enter the body. Both bind to receptors in the endocannabinoid system, but while THC activates receptors in the central nervous system, CBD does not.
Once THC stimulates receptors, the effects of marijuana (a high) begin to kick in. Feelings of euphoria experienced by users are caused by a large release of dopamine in the brain.
It is this release of dopamine that causes addiction in the first place; the body begins to crave and eventually rely upon any given substance to release enough dopamine. Dopamine is more than just a feel-good chemical – it’s involved in many bodily functions, many of which are vital.
So, because CBD does not bind to the central nervous system and interact with the brain the same way THC does, it does not cause a high nor does it cause large dopamine releases. As a result, the brain does not grow to depend on CBD to function.
What happens when you stop taking CBD oil?
Because CBD oil is not addictive and not habit-forming, most people who decide to stop using it experience no noticeable effects. If you use CBD to manage a specific health concern – combatting pain from a muscle injury, perhaps – you’ll likely find that discontinuing use means that symptoms return.
Many people looking to lower how frequently they consume CBD or stop using it altogether fear that withdrawal symptoms may come into play, but with CBD this issue isn’t one to worry about.
Withdrawal symptoms occur once the body is dependent on a substance; without its presence, the brain begins to struggle to release dopamine regularly as it should to maintain normal functioning.
Do you need to wean off of CBD oil?
No, it’s not necessary to wean off of CBD oil if you decide to stop taking it. It’s safe to discontinue use without any preparation, though it may be easier to adjust to living without CBD once more if you gradually do so.
Nonetheless, abruptly stopping CBD oil won’t cause withdrawal, as mentioned, so most people find it unnecessary to try to wean off. Depending on why you’re stopping CBD oil, it may make sense to use CBD only sparingly during some periods and more frequently during others.
Weaning off CBD oil can be a good way to determine what minimum dose you require to feel the desired effects, adjust to a new routine, or seek out other ways to manage symptoms. If you choose to skip it, though, you won’t be any worse off.
Side Effects of Abruptly Stopping CBD Oil
Suddenly stopping CBD oil should not cause any significant side effects. It’s easy to mistake the return of less than desirable symptoms as withdrawal effects, but CBD is not the cause of these sorts of adverse results.
In fact, CBD does a lot to help combat withdrawal from other substances. Because it’s so easy to use as needed and in whatever quantity is needed, CBD helps a wide range of individuals manage the harsh reality of letting go of highly addictive and damaging substances like alcohol, tobacco, and more.
Should you take a break from CBD oil?
It’s generally not necessary to take a break from CBD oil, and doing so can actually make it harder to experience the full benefits of your product.
The misconception that CBD can become addictive leads many people to treat it like THC, but the two are completely different. Choosing to take a break from CBD oil is more comparable to taking a break from prescription medication than marijuana – though it’s possible to do so, it’s not really crucial and can end up making you more miserable.
Of course, there are valid reasons to decide to take a break from CBD oil. Some CBD users may experience side effects from a product and choose to discontinue use as a result, for instance, or the symptoms you were attempting to treat may lessen in severity on their own.
If you do decide to take a break from CBD oil, remember that it’s okay to start using it again at any time. There’s no reason to avoid CBD oil if it doesn’t cause any adverse effects and successfully treats your symptoms or delivers the therapeutic effects you’re after.
Takeaway: Use What Works for You
CBD oil is perhaps one of the safest and most risk-free way to handle a lot of the stress and unfortunate discomfort that come along with daily life. CBD’s benefits are so powerful that it’s easy to mistake it for an addictive or more intense drug rather than a helpful supplement.
Just as you might take any other supplement or medication on a daily basis, it’s possible to rely on CBD without experiencing negative effects. Even when CBD side effects do occur, they tend to be mild and disappear on their own after a few hours.
So, if you’ve been hesitant to try out CBD or are concerned that using it too frequently may end up harming you in the long-run, you’ve got nothing to worry about. CBD oil is a friend, not an enemy, and even if you decide to shelf it for a while, it will still continue to function as you need it in the future.
Choosing the correct product type and specific brand for your taste can help further ensure your CBD experience is as beneficial and seamless as it can be. Taking some time to research different sellers, compare different products, and reflect upon what you’d like to achieve can help you make an informed decision.
Finding great quality products at a reasonable, sustainable price doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Feel free to visit our directory to accomplish these goals and more.
✔️ Three Different Potencies and Five Tasty Flavors
✔️ Full-Spectrum of Cannabinoids and Terpenes
✔️ Bottles are Made to Order Ensuring Freshness
✔️ 60 Servings Per Bottle
✔️ 12 Month Shelf Life
✔️ 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
✔️ 1:1 ratio of CBD to CBG (cannabigerol)
✔️ Three Delicious Flavors: Citrus, Mint, & Natural
✔️ Full-Spectrum of Cannabinoids and Terpenes
✔️ Bottles are Made to Order Ensuring Freshness
✔️ 12 Month Shelf Life
✔️ 30-Day Money Back Guarantee