CBD Facilitator provides the most trustworthy spot to receive CBD education. We understand that CBD is a somewhat new product on the health market, so we are committed to supplying important information regarding the nature of CBD. There are many common questions about CBD that the general public may not know. This page is dedicated to answering those questions and calming any fears you may have about CBD. The most important tool one can have is education and knowledge. CBD Facilitator does the dirty work of finding and understanding all the relevant science, then delivering digestible articles that explain all the ins and outs of CBD.

Brunette women in her late 20's running towards the camera with the sun setting behind her.

CBD for Energy: Replace Your Coffee With CBD

In today’s busy world, everybody struggles with having enough energy throughout the day. Sure, coffee and energy drinks can help, but even better would be a longer term solution to help improve sleep habits and your body’s natural energy cycles. Luckily, recent research has provided incredibly promising news about using

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Brown bottle of CBD with eyedropper laying flat in front and lush green cannabis behind.

The Pros and Cons of CBD

The academic articles are confusing, the lists are too long, and there’s buzzwords galore; it can be difficult, if not impossible, to parse through all of the information on CBD well enough to feel like an informed buyer or user without putting a great deal of dedicated time into it. 

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Jar of golden CBD oil with a gold lid sitting on a table with a hemp plant laying next to it.

Where Does CBD Come From?: A Guide to CBD Sources

Having only been legalized in 2018, the origins of CBD can seem somewhat murky and confusing, especially for users who are new to the compound. This is especially true, given its association with marijuana. You might wonder if the CBD industry is some sort of shady agricultural underbelly, with strange

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Young kid in a white Harvard shirt with red writing sitting in front of a silver laptop holding one of his hands up to ask a question.

How Old Do You Have to Be to Buy CBD? – Current Laws 2025

In terms of natural medicine, there’s really nothing like CBD. Users of all ages and backgrounds can attest to its healing, calming properties. But just who can legally buy it? According to federal law, you must be over 18 to purchase smokeable products like CBD flower or CBD vaping oils.

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Topless orange prescription bottle on its side with pink circular pills coming out.

What Drugs Should Not Be Taken With CBD?: Prescription & OTC

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a supplement that is often touted as something of a cure-all. It’s important to know CBD has the potential to interact with other medications. But which ones? Be wary of any medication that has a grapefruit warning, because that means CBD can either intensify or nullify

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A paper sitting on a desk that says DRUG TEST RESULTS FAILED.

Does CBD Show up on a Drug Test? – Urine, Blood, and Hair

CBD, a beneficial substance for a variety of bodily ailments, is often confused with its illegal cousin THC, especially when it comes to drug testing. CBD does not show up on drug tests simply because drug tests are not looking for it. However, CBD products can contain trace amounts of

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Male doctor standing with his arms crossed in blue scrubs a baby blue hair cover and surgical mask hanging from his neck.

Can You Overdose on CBD? – Clinical Research Explained

CBD, or cannabidiol, is becoming an increasingly viable option to treat many mental and physical health issues. But what happens if you take too much CBD? You cannot overdose on CBD. It is technically possible to reach toxicity levels, however it would require irrationally high amounts of CBD, and even

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Man in white lab jacket holding a bottle of golden CBD oil with the eye dropper filled and halfway out of the bottle.

What Is CBD Bioavailability and Why Does It Matter for Me?

In the rapidly evolving CBD market, consumers have a wide variety of consumption methods and products available as options – but which is the best for you? Each method of consumption for CBD has a different bioavailability, meaning that the CBD is absorbed into the bloodstream at different rates and

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Three light green hemp flower buds covered in trichomes and orange hairs.

The Power of the Entourage Effect: Benefits of Mixing CBD and THC

Chances are that if you’ve done any research into Cannabis related products, such as CBD, you’ve heard of the phenomenon called the “entourage effect”. The entourage effect is beneficial for a heightened overall experience. When curated well, the combination of CBD and THC can bring out the positive effects of

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Bunch of glass test tubes one of which is filled with a green liquid sitting in a tray in three rows.

Deeper Look at Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, & CBD Isolate

When looking for CBD, you’ve probably noticed there are three different cannabinoid spectrum options to choose from (Full-spectrum CBD, broad-spectrum CBD, or CBD isolates). While these three types of products all contain CBD, they are actually worlds apart from one another and produce varying effects. What are the essential differences

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A graphic of the human organs with a cool design in the background.

What Is the Endocannabinoid System and What Is Its Role?

The endocannabinoid system is a complex and mysterious part of the human body. It influences an array of standard bodily processes, but how, and to what extent? The endocannabinoid system is indeed responsible for all sorts of functions and processes that keep your body moving and working. It exists even

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Lush green hemp plant and someone holding out their hand with a bottle of CBD oil.

Is Full Spectrum CBD Psychoactive? – Will It Get You High

Full spectrum CBD products may just be the most efficient and effective type of CBD, but how do they differ from others? Can they produce a high? Though full spectrum CBD does contain cannabinoids other than CBD, it does not produce a psychoactive high. Full spectrum CBD sold on the

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Brunette women with a beautiful smile holding a glass of water.

How Do You Take Water Soluble CBD? – Step by Step Guide

Even if you’ve already settled on purchasing water soluble CBD, it can be difficult to know how to administer it, or what the best method of delivery is.  Water soluble CBD can be taken one of two ways:  Water soluble CBD can be absorbed sublingually, meaning it is absorbed under

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