Do CBD Moon Rocks Get You High? – Side Effects & Dosage Guide

Three Plain Jane moon rocks sitting next to the 8th jar and box.

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In the world of cannabis, moon rocks have earned their name for a reason. But does their reputation for causing an altered state of mind extend to CBD, too?

CBD moon rocks will not produce a psychoactive high. This is because CBD is not the cannabinoid responsible for psychoactivity; THC is. CBD moon rocks are made up of products that contain only trace amounts of THC at most, which means they won’t get you high even if they’re very potent.

Just because they won’t get you high doesn’t mean that CBD moon rocks can’t produce some very notable effects, though. In fact, CBD moon rocks are perhaps some of the most concentrated product options out there. Because CBD moon rocks are typically ingested via inhalation, they also tend to produce these strong results much faster than other product options ever could.

Why They’re Better Than the Rest

  • 3.5g or 7g Jars
  • Extremely Potent – 40% CBD
  • Premium Flower, CBD Concentrate, & Hemp Kief
  • Discounts When Buying Bulk

What are CBD moon rocks made of?

CBD moon rocks are CBD hemp flowers covered in concentrated CBD oil (usually distillate, but can be other forms) and dusted with terpene-rich kief.

Moon rocks combine multiple forms of CBD products to create an end result that’s extremely potent. They’re simple to make so long as you have a base, a liquid, and kief (a collection of loose resin that tends to accumulate as flower is ground down or broken apart).

Are CBD moon rocks psychoactive?

CBD moon rocks are not psychoactive. CBD moon rocks would only be considered psychoactive if they contain more than trace amounts of THC, but CBD products sold commercially do not contain enough to produce effects.

Because hemp, at least in the U.S., must contain 0.3% or less THC by dry weight, users can’t consume enough THC to cause a psychoactive high. Combining multiple products, especially full-spectrum products, may mean that you consume more THC than you might ordinarily, but it still won’t be enough to cause a high.

Those who are particularly concerned about the presence of THC (if you’re worried about passing drug tests, for instance, you may want to avoid THC entirely to prevent any potentially problematic build-up) may want to skip out on moon rocks. Alternatively, seeking out CBD isolate products to use where possible can help minimize the risk of THC exposure.

To summarize, CBD moon rocks are not psychoactive. This is because they contain very little to no THC, the cannabinoid responsible for producing the psychoactive high we associate with marijuana. 

Unless your CBD products come from marijuana rather than hemp (if you get your products through a medical marijuana program, for instance), you don’t have to worry about any psychoactivity.

What do CBD moon rocks do?

CBD moon rocks combine multiple product types and, as a result, produce intense results that are hard to achieve otherwise.

The amount of CBD present in a single moon rock is generally much higher than the amount you might find in a single bud or dose of oil. For many, this means longer-lasting and more noticeable effects, making CBD moon rocks a great option for those looking to treat severe mental or physical health symptoms.

Because CBD moon rocks in particular aren’t psychoactive, they’re one of the best and easiest ways to get a lot of cannabinoids into your system quickly without experiencing any adverse effects.

The most common way to consume CBD moon rocks is via inhalation. Pieces of a CBD moon rock can be added on top of regular CBD flower when smoking or vaping, or they can be smoked separately. Combining pieces of a moon rock with other flower tends to make the experience more manageable and less messy; you won’t need to smoke very much of a moon rock to feel its effects!

Once consumed, CBD moon rocks produce effects fairly quickly. Most users can expect to begin to feel effects within 5-10 minutes. The effects will likely begin to peak around 30-40 minutes after ingestion and continue to last for hours afterward, especially if you’ve taken a large dose.

CBD Moonrock Effects

The effects of a CBD moon rock are very similar to the effects you might expect from other forms of CBD. The main difference is the strength of these effects; with moon rocks, you’re likely to have a much more powerful experience that lasts longer.

Examples of CBD moon rock effects include:

  • Lowered levels of inflammation in the body. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD are particularly maximized by moon rocks; they deliver high levels of CBD at a much faster rate than other products, like oils or tinctures, can.
  • Pain relief. Less inflammation throughout the body means less pain, too. Many chronic conditions that cause pain do so because of frequent inflammation in the bones, joints, or other parts of the body (like arthritis). 
  • Lowered levels of anxiety. CBD is known to make users feel calm and at peace, which makes it a great tool for combatting anxiety. It’s particularly helpful for those whose anxiety is chronic.
  • Improved mood. CBD moon rocks produce such an intense experience that they’ll likely leave you feeling not just more tranquil, but also euphoric. You might find it easier to socialize and have fun after consuming moon rocks.
  • Having an easier time falling and staying asleep. Though more research is needed, there’s lots of anecdotal evidence suggesting that CBD is an excellent resource for those struggling with insomnia. CBD moon rocks specifically are more likely to cause drowsiness than other products due to the high concentration of cannabinoids a user takes in. If you can’t sleep because of other health conditions, like anxiety disorders, CBD moon rocks can certainly help you feel more prepared for bed at the bare minimum.

The experience you get from CBD moon rocks will likely be unique compared to what you’ve come to expect from other products. 

It’s a good idea to err on the side of caution in terms of dosing simply due to the power of moon rocks, as taking too much CBD at once makes it more likely that you’ll experience negative side effects.

Side effects associated with CBD and CBD moon rocks are unpleasant, but fortunately not seriously harmful. Common examples include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Irritability
  • Headaches

If you notice adverse effects after consuming moon rocks, it’s probably best to opt for a smaller amount next time. Experiencing side effects any time you ingest moon rocks may mean that a lower potency level is necessary or that another product type may be better for you.

Where to Buy CBD Moon Rocks

CBD moon rocks can be made at home – simply take your favorite flower, coat it in concentrate, and dust it with kief – but they can be messy, hard to store, and tricky to get right. 

Buying CBD moon rocks is a safer route to go if you’re looking to try them out, especially if you’re new to cannabis use in general. Purchasing moon rocks ensures that your product is made correctly, packaged in a way that helps maximize its potential, and helps you determine just how much CBD and other components are present.

Our recommendation for CBD moon rocks comes from the seller Plain Jane. Plain Jane allows shoppers to choose from either 3.5 or 7 grams of product, and all products are securely packaged in durable glass jars.

Depending on the amount you purchase, you can expect to spend about $20-40 on moon rocks over at Plain Jane. This price seems especially reasonable when you consider the longevity of the product – the fact that it’s so potent means you’ll only need a little each time, so you won’t have to restock for a while.

Plain Jane’s CBD moon rocks boast an impressive 45% CBD concentration, making them much more powerful than your average CBD hemp flower bud. All ingredients are THC-free, too.

For those who are newer to CBD, both Plain Jane and we here at CBD Facilitator recommend exercising caution when using moon rocks. A smaller quantity is likely the better choice if you’re trying to decide whether or not a product this strong is right for you.

Takeaway: CBD Won’t Take You to the Moon

CBD moon rocks won’t get you high – that’s an undeniable and inevitable fact. CBD does not cause psychoactive effects, and even CBD that contains trace amounts of THC don’t have enough for it to impact the user psychoactively.

Though marijuana moon rocks may be popular because of the strong high they can produce, CBD moon rocks can be equally potent. CBD moon rocks can be very beneficial for those looking to treat intense pain, anxiety, or other chronic conditions remedied by CBD.

Because they’re so powerful, it’s best to be careful when experimenting with CBD moon rocks. Consider adding a small amount to your normal bowl of CBD hemp flower to get a feel for what it’s like without overwhelming yourself.

Whether you decide to purchase pre-made moon rocks or attempt to make them on your own, it’s helpful to ensure the sellers you purchase from are delivering only the best quality for your money. 

For a list of product and brand recommendations, helpful information, and product reviews, check out our directory here. Finding products that work for you, moon rock or not, shouldn’t have to feel like rocket science.

Picture of Josh Murdoch

Josh Murdoch

I was born with Cystic Fibrosis, and although it is incurable, cannabinoids have been allowing me to live my life as a healthy adult now for years. For that reason, I’ve dedicated my career to spreading the good news about cannabinoids. Currently, I work for a cannabis distribution company called Humble Cannabis Solutions which operates in California. Previously, I worked on two cannabis farms in northern California, one of which was located in the famous Humboldt County. I’ve also managed a medical cannabis delivery service in Marin County, California. I created CBD Facilitator to share what I’ve learned, and to recommend the best products that I have found in this chaotic market.

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