CBD Facilitator is your home for all important hemp flower info! There are plenty of misconceptions about hemp flower, and we are here to make sense of the confusing and plentiful information. We can answer common questions, like how old you have to be to purchase CBD flower, and more complex ones such as the science behind cannabinoids. CBD has the potential to be wonderfully helpful, but having all the information first is essential. With CBD Facilitator, you know the information you’re getting is well-researched, honest, and unbiased. This is where you can learn all the relevant and important information that you need before starting your journey with CBD.

What Is CBG Hemp Flower? – Benefits, Effects, Uses, & More

CBG may be just a letter off from CBD, but the two aren’t the same. Flower rich in each respective cannabinoid creates similar, but distinct, effects and risks. CBG hemp flower is quite similar to CBD hemp flower; its main difference is the amount of each cannabinoid found within its

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What Is CBG Hemp Flower? – Benefits, Effects, Uses, & More

CBG may be just a letter off from CBD, but the two aren’t the same. Flower rich in each respective cannabinoid creates similar, but distinct, effects and risks. CBG hemp flower is quite similar to CBD hemp flower; its main difference is the amount of each cannabinoid found within its

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