CBD Facilitator is your home for all important hemp flower info! There are plenty of misconceptions about hemp flower, and we are here to make sense of the confusing and plentiful information. We can answer common questions, like how old you have to be to purchase CBD flower, and more complex ones such as the science behind cannabinoids. CBD has the potential to be wonderfully helpful, but having all the information first is essential. With CBD Facilitator, you know the information you’re getting is well-researched, honest, and unbiased. This is where you can learn all the relevant and important information that you need before starting your journey with CBD.

Is There a Difference Between Hemp Flower and CBD Flower?

Hemp, marijuana, CBD – what’s the difference between all of these types of cannabis products, and which is best for you? The answer can be a little complicated. There is a distinct difference between hemp flower and CBD flower; while both come from hemp plants, only the latter contains significant

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Why Does CBD Flower Say Not Intended for Smoking?

Seeing “not intended for smoking” on CBD flower is enough to make anyone do a double-take. If not for smoking, why is CBD flower even sold? Is it dangerous? Many retailers label CBD flower products as “not intended for smoking” to avoid legal issues. This phrase helps the shop avoid

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Does CBD Flower Make You Paranoid? – Weed Anxiety Deep Dive

Everyone reacts slightly differently to CBD flower, especially depending on the type of CBD flower. In this detailed analysis, you’ll find out why people sometimes associate CBD flower with paranoia. CBD flower does not contain enough THC to make you feel paranoid, or high in any way. In fact, CBD

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Man with a scruffy beard lighting a joint that's hanging from his lips.

CBD Cigarettes vs CBD Joints – Pros, Cons, & Recommendations

When it comes to smoking cannabis, joints and blunts often come to mind. But did you know CBD joints and cigarettes are real, legal, and viable product options? CBD cigarettes are great options for those who prioritize convenience, subtlety, and accessibility. CBD joints, on the other hand, offer more customization

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Man wearing a windbreaker hoodie smoking a joint during sunset.

What to Do if You’re Caught With CBD Flower

CBD flower, though legal, closely mimics its illegal counterpart, marijuana. So, what do you do to prove you’re not breaking laws when caught with CBD flower? When caught with CBD flower, CBD users should be able to quickly provide proof that the product falls in line with state and federal

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Clipboard with a blank sheet of paper and a pen sitting on top next to a test tube with cannabis.

CBD Flower vs Delta-8: Does CBD Flower Contain Delta 8?

Delta-8 is often referred to as a legal alternative for delta-9 THC, the cannabinoid responsible for psychoactivity, but such a claim is far from the truth. CBD flower may contain trace amounts of delta-8 THC as well as delta-9 THC, but to be legally grown and sold in the U.S.,

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Hands wearing see through gloves holding a glass jar in one hand and freshly harvested hemp flower in the other.

What Does CBD Flower Smell Like? – Understanding Terpenes

If you’ve ever considered using CBD flower, you’ve likely wondered just how it smells. Does it always smell good? Skunky? Is it distinguishable from marijuana? CBD flower usually smells earthy, woodsy, herbal, or spicy, depending on the strain. CBD hemp flower smells identical to marijuana and other cannabis plants. This

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Blonde women wearing a green hoodie and the camera focused on smoke floating in front of her.

Why Does CBD Flower Feel So Good? – How Cannabinoids Work

Many of us are familiar with the benefits of CBD, including pain management, better sleep, and a better mood. But just how do these effects come to be? CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, a complex system in our bodies that manages many processes like homeostasis and even digestion. For

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